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Update an intervention

Edit an intervention

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, choose MTSS Interventions.
  2. Select an intervention to open the intervention details.
  3. From the intervention details page, select Manage Intervention.
  4. Make your updates to students, staff, scheduling, or support resources. 
    1. To update multiple students, select the students, choose Bulk Actions, and then select Change Status, Move to new Intervention, or Delete Students.
  5. Save your edits.

Complete an intervention

When all assigned students have completed an intervention, you may complete and close the intervention. 

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, choose MTSS Interventions.
  2. Select an intervention to open the intervention details.
  3. From the intervention details page, select Manage Intervention.
  4. Click Complete Intervention.
  5. In the Complete Intervention window, enter your Completion Narrative. and then click Complete Intervention.

Reactivate a completed intervention

When all assigned students have completed an intervention, you may complete and close the intervention. 

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, choose MTSS Interventions.
  2. Select an intervention to open the intervention details.
  3. Click Reactivate.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Reactivate

Delete an intervention

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, choose MTSS Interventions.
  2. Select an intervention to open the intervention details.
  3. From the intervention details page, select Delete Intervention.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete Intervention

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