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Create and edit curriculum maps

This is part of our Curriculum Solution. You will not have this option if you are a free user.

Create new map

To avoid duplication, PowerSchool recommends searching curriculum maps before creating a new one to verify that the map does not exist. 

  1. From the main menu, select Curriculum.

  2. Select Curriculum Maps, then choose New Curriculum Map.

  3. On the Create new curriculum map dialog, enter a Curriculum Map Name.
    Follow your institution's naming conventions when creating curriculum map names and tags.

  4. Select Add Standards to browse and add the standards you want to associate with your map. 

  5. Enter or select Tags to associate with the map.

  6. Select the map Owner. This will determine who in your institution can edit or view this map. By default, the owner is the whole institution, but you can select a School or Group to limit its access to members of that School or Group.

  7. Choose Create Curriculum Map.

After you create a map, you can manage units and input content.

Edit existing map

Curriculum supports real-time collaboration for curriculum maps. To edit an existing map, select the map on the Curriculum Maps page. You can also search for a map by searching for the name or tags associated with the map.

  1. Select the curriculum map.

  2. In the summary information, choose Edit Draft.

  3. To edit the map settings:

    1. From the Options menu, select Settings.

    2. On the Curriculum Map Settings dialog, edit the name and map color, manage standards and tags, or change the map owner.

  4. To edit unit settings:

    1. Select the unit.

    2. Select Unit Settings.

    3. On the Unit Settings dialog, edit the unit number, title, suggested unit duration, unit color, or manage the unit standards.

  5. To add content to your map:

    1. Select the area you want to add content to.

    2. Enter, copy and paste, or generate content with PowerBuddy. Format tables, add images, video links, and integrate with Google Drive. Your edits will automatically save.

  6. To add standards:

    1. Select Standards on any multi-text field.

    2. Add or Remove standards for the unit. Use the search feature to search for keywords.

    3. Save when done.

When editing standards for a text field in your unit, it will display up to three types of standard lists:

  • Standards added to the Course Overview.

  • Standards that were manually added in this section of the curriculum map.

  • Any curriculum set(s) linked to this curriculum map in the map's settings.

To learn more about how to edit the standards assigned to your unit, refer to Assign Standards to Units in a Curriculum Map.

Create content with PowerBuddy

PowerBuddy for Curriculum & Instruction uses your custom prompts and criteria selections to generate passages and adds them to the selected curriculum.

  1. Select the curriculum map.

  2. In the summary information, choose Edit Draft.

  3. Select the unit, and then the area you want to add content to.

  4. Select Generate passage in the text editor.

  5. Enter text in Describe your content needs. Prompts are automatically added, but you can edit as needed. Include specific examples, vocabulary, names, or events. Provide as much context as possible.

  6. Enter the preferred Text length.

  7. Choose a Reading level.

  8. Choose the preferred Language.

  9. Click Generate.

  10. Click Add to editor.

  11. Alternatively, change the content description, text length, or reading level, then click Regenerate to generate new content.

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