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Use Resources to save or share lessons or lesson groups for later use. If your school or team has a paid subscription, you'll also be able to share and import lessons and lesson groups from your peers.

Navigate resources

From the main menu, choose Resources.

Search for lessons

On the Resources page, you can sort through shared resources by Everything to review all content, Shared with me to review lessons shared directly with you, or search by selecting the Groups that you belong to.

Selecting any of these will modify the selection of lesson plans or lesson groups that are displayed on the menu. You can also use the search bar to search by lesson title or tags. 

Schools with a paid subscription can create multiple sharing groups within their school or district.

Lesson information

Select a lesson plan or lesson group to display the lesson title and tags, who the lesson has been shared with, and to preview the lesson.

Tip: For easy organizing within Resources, add tags to your lessons. You and your colleagues can search by tags to sort your lessons. You can edit the tags when sharing your lessons, or when editing your shared lessons in Resources.

You can also:

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