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Accessing iOS Mobile App as an Instructor

The Schoology mobile app is designed to provide access to only certain features or settings. For features and settings not available on the app, you can use a computer or the browser on your device.

Sign Up

If you don’t already have an account on Schoology, you must sign up from a mobile browser at

  1. Tap Sign Up.
  2. Select Instructor.
  3. Fill out your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password and Confirm Password.
  4. Select your Country and State. Enter your school name or school zip code in the School field and tap the Search icon (magnifying glass). Select your school from among the results. If your school does not appear, tap Request to Add Your School. You can always skip this step and return to it later if you wish.

  • Enterprise schools may or may not allow a user to register on their own. Enterprise schools may also require a Faculty Access Code during the registration process. If you don’t know your faculty access code, tap Don’t have a code? for more information.
  • Signing up is dependent on how the Enterprise organization decides to add users to the system. The district administrators may decide to mass import users and provide login information separately.

Sign In

If you already have a Schoology account, you can use the steps outlined below to log in via the Schoology iOS app.

Click the link at the bottom of the page for a printable version of these instructions.

To create a new Schoology account, you'll need to open a mobile browser on your device and go to

Log in to the Schoology Mobile App

Depending on the type of account you have (Schoology Enterprise or Basic) and how your organization has set up your account, there are various login methods for the Schoology mobile app.

To log in with your existing account, open the Schoology app on your mobile device. You'll see three different options to log in:

Identify the login scenario outlined below that applies to you and follow the instructions in this article for that specific login option.

Check with one of your Support Contacts or a System Administrator if you are uncertain of your organization’s login setup.

Login Option 1

For Enterprise users logging in via:

  • Email
  • Username
  • Custom domain
  • Single sign-on (SSO)

For Basic users logging in via

  • Email
  • Username

Login Option 2

For Enterprise users logging in via

  • Email (if you aren't included in your organization's single sign-on method)
  • QR code

For Basic users logging in via

  • Email

Login Option 1

Enterprise: Email | Username | Custom Domain | Single Sign-On

Basic: Email | Username

  1. Tap Find your school or domain to log in through your school or district.
  2. To Find your school or domain, use the keyboard to enter the name of your school or organization. As you type, matching choices populate in the list. If your school uses a custom domain (URL) on the web version, you can enter the domain in the search field. Organizations using single sign-on login have a green dot displayed next to their title.

Parents that are not included in the school’s single sign-on method should choose to Log in through (see Login Option 2).

3. Tap the name of your school or organization when it displays. If your organization authenticates users with single sign-on (SSO), the SSO screen displays automatically. If you use Google SSO, skip to Step 7.

4. Enter the Username or Email associated with your account. If you can't remember the username or email address, check with your instructor or one of your Support Contacts.

5. Enter the password for your account. You can reset the password if you open from a mobile browser.

6. Tap Sign In to complete.

7. Follow the remaining steps if you use Google SSO. Selecting your school in Step 3 directs you to this login screen:

Tap Log in through your School to continue to the login page.

If you use Google SSO to log in to Schoology, do not tap Log in using; this takes you to a Schoology email and password login page instead of the Google login screen. Users who are not part of the organization’s SSO can choose this option instead.

8. If this is your first time signing in, enter the email address connected to your Schoology account. If you’ve previously signed in on the device, tap the name of the auto-populated account that you use to sign in to Schoology.

If you select the wrong account in this window, you will have to close the Schoology app and log out of the incorrect Google account from the internet browser on your mobile device before you can complete the login process.

9. Enter your password and tap Next.

This will log you into both your Google account and into Schoology. If you sign in using an SSO and are using a shared device, be sure to log out of your account on the mobile browser when you log out of Schoology. For example, if you use a Google SSO, navigate to Google on a mobile browser and log out of your Google account. Logging out of Schoology will not log you out of your Google account.

10. Tap Approve to authorize the Schoology mobile app to access your Schoology account. Click Deny if you do not want to authorize the app. You will not be able to use the mobile app until you have approved the app to access your account.

Once you log out of the Schoology app, the same school or organization displays as the default (including your SSO screen) the next time someone opens the app on the mobile device. This makes it easier to log in on your own device and is useful if your school uses shared devices.

If you sign in using an SSO and are using a shared device, be sure to log out of your account on the mobile browser when you log out of Schoology. For example, if you use a Google SSO, navigate to Google on a mobile browser and log out of your Google account. Logging out of Schoology will not log you out of your Google account.

Tap the arrow to continue to login through your saved school. To change the school or organization to log into, tap the search field, and begin typing the new name. Matching choices will populate as you type.

Login Option 2

Enterprise: QR Code | Email (if you aren't included in your organization's SSO method)

Basic: Email

If you are using Schoology Basic and you do not have an email address associated with your account, you can log in via username using Login Option 1 instead.

  1. Tap CONTINUE to log in through For students logging in with a QR code, continue to Step 3.
  2. Enter your email address and password and tap LOG IN to complete.
  3. Follow the remaining steps if you use a QR code to log in. Tap SCAN QR CODE.
  4. If your device does not have camera access enabled for the app, you’ll be prompted to go to your device settings.
  5. Once the camera is enabled, you’ll be prompted to scan your code.

Learn more about QR code login: Log in to Schoology with a QR Code

Navigation Menu

The Schoology iPhone app navigation menu allows you to quickly navigate to each essential location on the Schoology App. Tapping the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the screen gives you immediate access to:

  • Your profile (tap your name)
  • Messages
  • Notifications
  • Requests
  • Home
  • Courses
  • Groups
  • Resources
  • Grades
  • Calendar
  • People
  • Account Settings
  • Help Center
  • Logout

This navigation menu is available on every page so that you can quickly navigate through the app from any point.

Course Dashboard

The Course Dashboard displays all your courses in a tiled list. You can access the Course Dashboard by tapping the tiled icon at the bottom of the Home screen.


From the Home screen, Instructors can access Reminders by tapping the thumbtack icon. This area displays ungraded submissions and re-submissions to be reviewed.


From the Home screen, you can view Upcoming items and events by tapping the calendar icon.

Quick Post

The Schoology iOS app Quick Post allows you to quickly create updates, assignments, events, and discussions from your Schoology home screen as from within courses and groups. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen to see these options:


  1. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Post.
  3. In the Post to... field, select a course, group or personal update. You may update as many areas as you want by checking these areas from the list.
  4. Add attachments from Library, Take Photo or Video, Resources, Record Audio, and iOS Apps if you wish.
  5. Once you've chosen the area(s) to which you'd like to update and add optional attachments, enter your message.
  6. Tap the Checkmark icon
    in the upper right to finish creating the post.

Add Assignment

To add an assignment, follow these instructions:

  1. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Add Assignment.
  3. In the Post to... field, tap one of your courses to add the assignment in that course.
  4. Add attachments from Library, Take Photo or Video, Resources, Record Audio, and iOS Apps if you wish.
  5. Add a Title, Due Date, Grading Period, Category, Scale/Rubric, and Max points.
  6. Enter the assignment description.
  7. Tap the Checkmark icon 
    in the upper right to finish creating the assignment.

Add Event

To create a course, group or personal event:

  1. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Add Event.
  3. In the Post to... field, select Personal Event or choose a course, group or school for the event. You may post to as many areas as you want by checking these areas from the list.
  4. Select When to add a Start Date and Start Time.
  5. Select an optional End Time, or make the event an All Day Event by checking the All Day box when selecting the Start Date.
  6. Add a title to the event.
  7. Select an RSVP option. You can set it to Disabled, Only invitees can RSVP, and Anyone can RSVP.
  8. Add an optional description to the event.
  9. Add attachments from Library, Take Photo or Video, Resources, Record Audio, and iOS Apps if you wish.
  10. Tap the Checkmark icon
    in the upper right to finish creating the event.

Add Discussion

To add a discussion, follow these instructions:

  1. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Add Discussion.
  3. In the Post to... field, select a course or group discussion. You may post to as many areas as you want by checking these areas from the list.
  4. Add a Title and Due Date.
  5. Check the Enable Grading option if you wish. You can add a Grading Period, Category, Scale/Rubric, and Max pts.
  6. Enter the discussion description.
  7. Add attachments from Library, Take Photo or Video, Resources, Record Audio, and iOS Apps if you wish.
  8. Tap the Checkmark icon 
    in the upper right to finish creating the discussion.

If you’d like to cancel your post or reply, you can tap the X icon in the upper left of the screen and Discard the post.


The Requests area lists all of the course, group and member requests that are associated with your Schoology profile. Tap Accept or Dismiss, depending on the action you would like to take for each item. If you see a red dot next to Requests in the navigation menu that means you have pending requests from other Schoology members.


The Courses area lists all of the courses for which you are a member. You can also join a course from this area.

Join Courses

To join an existing Course:

  1. Tap Courses from the navigation menu.
  2. Tap the + icon in the upper right.
  3. Enter the Course Access Code.
  4. Tap Join.

The format of the course code should be XXXXX-XXXXX (10 digits). Once you join a course, you will begin receiving updates, grades, comments, and material notifications from the course. To manage which notifications you receive, see Notifications.

Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have permission to join Courses via Course Access Codes.

Tap Courses from the navigation menu to see a list all of the courses for which you are an administrator or a member. To access a course section, tap the name of your choice. The following information is available under a particular course section:

  1. Materials (Assignments, Tests/Quizzes, Files/Links, Discussions, Albums, Pages)
  2. Updates
  3. Upcoming
  4. Gradebook
  5. Attendance
  6. Members

Menu (Elementary Experience)

In the Elementary Experience, tap Menu to access any Course or Section apps that have already been installed through the web version of Schoology.

iPads will display Course and Section apps within the navigation menu.


The More tab displays any Course or Section apps that have already been installed through the web version of Schoology.

iPads will display Course and Section apps within the navigation menu.


The Materials area lists all of the Assignments, Assessments, Tests/Quizzes, Files/Links, Discussions, and Pages in a particular course. To view any of the materials just tap the name of the item.


Course updates show the Recent Activity for a particular course section.


View upcoming items or calendar events for a particular course.


The Gradebook displays the Midterm/Final grades and Grading Periods grades by grading category.

View Grades

You can view graded items by tapping the Grading Period they are located in.

Add or Edit Grades

You can view grades for each item by tapping the title of the Test/Quiz, Assessment, Assignment, or Discussion. From here, you can add or edit grades:

  1. Tap the row of the graded item.
  2. A list of course members will appear. Tap a member's name to add or edit the grade.
  3. You can use the sliding bar to enter a point value or tap the field to manually enter a grade through the keypad.
  4. You can add an optional comment by entering it into the comment field found below the grade sliding bar.
  5. Select the checkbox to display the comment to the student, or un-check the checkbox to keep the comment only visible to you.
  6. Repeat these steps for each student in the course. Tap the Checkmark icon 
    in the upper right to complete.

Grades will not appear for grading periods that have not yet started. Graded items without a grading period will populate under the appropriate grading category under No Grading Period.


Depending on your device, you can access Attendance by tapping More in the bottom tab bar of the course profile and tap Attendance, or tap Attendance directly from the left menu. You can mark students as present, absent, late, or excused.


Depending on your device, you can access Members by tapping More in the bottom tab bar of the course profile and tap Members, or tap Members directly from the left menu. The Members area allows you to view all of the members of the course in alphabetical order by last name. To view a member profile, simply tap the user’s name.
Note: Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may or may not have access to view the member profiles.

To send a message to a course member:

  1. Tap the name of the course member you wish to message, you will be directed to their profile.
  2. Tap the + sign in the upper right.
  3. Type the subject of the message.
  4. Type the content of the message.
  5. Tap the Checkmark icon 
     on the upper right to send your message.


Tapping Resources on the navigation menu allows you to access your existing Resources and Collections. For more information, please see Resource Center.

The only materials that can be loaded in the mobile app are read-only materials:

  • Files
  • Links
  • Pages

All other items (Assignments, Assessments, Discussion, Test/Quiz, etc.) are listed as templates in Resources and can be accessed via the mobile browser or web browser.


The Grades area lists all of the courses for which you are an administrator or a member. The following information is available under a particular course section:

  • Midterm/Final grades
  • Test/Quiz, Assessment, Assignment and Graded Discussion grades organized by grading period and grading category
  • Test/Quiz, Assessment, Assignment and Graded Discussion grades with no grading period

To access the grades for a course section, tap the section of your choice. After you tap the course section, choose Final Grades or the grading period you would like to view.

Add or Edit Grades

You can view graded items by tapping on the title of the test/quiz, assignment, or discussion. To add or edit grades:

  1. Tap the row of the graded item.
  2. A list of the course members will appear. Tap a member's name to add or edit the grade.
  3. You can use the sliding bar to enter a point value or tap the field to manually enter a grade through the keypad.
  4. You can add an optional comment by entering it into the comment field found below the grade sliding bar. Select the checkbox to display the comment to the student, or uncheck the checkbox to keep the comment only visible to you.
  5. Repeat these steps for each student in the course.
  6. Tap the Checkmark icon 
    in the upper right to complete.

Grades will not appear for grading periods that have not yet started. Graded items without a grading period will populate under the appropriate grading category under No Grading Period.

To learn more about all the features in the Schoology iOS Mobile App, review the iOS Mobile App (Common Help Documentation).

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