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User manager

User Manager allows administrators to manage Performance Matters users.

Add a new user

  1. Choose Admin, then choose User Manager from the main navigation menu.
  2. Click Add User in the User Manager header.
  3. Enter the user Login (user name), First name, Last name, and E-mail address.
  4. Enter the Employee code, and select the user roles for the user's organization settings. Refer to Update User's Building or Role for more information.
  5. Click Save.

Find users

You can filter the list of users in User Manager to locate specific users. When many users are displayed, use the page navigation options to display additional results. The information in the user list is limited according to the permissions of your role.

  1. Choose Admin, then choose User Manager from the main navigation menu.
  2. Enter the search criteria.
    Select Active to filter by user status. If Active is:
    • Selected, then the filter includes only active users.
    • Cleared, then the filter includes only inactive users.
    • Displaying a dash, then the filter includes both active and inactive users.
  3. Choose at least one Application Role to filter users by role.
  4. Choose a School to filter users by location.
  5. Click Search Users.
  6. Click a column header to sort results.
  7. Click Reset Filter to clear all filter selections.

Open a user record

  1. Find a user or limit the list of displayed users.
  2. Select a row to display a user's record.

Update a user's information

You can update a user's information, including setting an account to active or inactive.

  1. Click a row to display the user's record.
  2. Edit the user's information as needed.
  3. Select or clear Active to set the account status.
  4. Click Save.

Manage user passwords

You can verify an existing password, change a user's password, or force a user to reset their password on their next login.

  1. Click a row to display the user's record.
  2. To verify a password, enter the assumed password and click Verify.
  3. To change a password:
    1. Click Change password.
    2. Enter a new password and confirmation.
    3. Click Save Password.
  4. To force a user to reset their password upon their next login, select Must reset password.
  5. Click Save.

Update user's building or role

  • After a user has students associated with them via a specific building role, the building role is locked and cannot be deleted.
  • The Co-Teacher role cannot be assigned concurrently with another role.
  1. Expand a row to display the user's record, then choose the user's primary Role.
  2. Click Add building to create a new building role for the user.
  3. Choose a Building or Role to configure the user's existing building roles.
  4. To remove a building role, click Delete.
  5. Click Save.

User access to archived sites

Your access to archive sites is the same as your access to the live site during that school year.

You cannot add users with the Teacher role to the archive site because they had no scheduling data for that school year.

To add or update users to archive years:

  • 2018 - 2019 or earlier, you must submit a Support ticket to add or update a user.
  • 2019 - 2020 and later, choose Admin, then User Manager from the main navigation menu. Choose the organization, then make the necessary updates. Click Save. The changes reflect after the nightly build.

Some features that are not applicable in the archive site (for example, item and test creation) are turned off.

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