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Offenses by School

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offenses is no longer enrolled.  Your level of access in the SIS determines whether you see just the number of offenses for your school or multiple schools on this metric.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The full name of the school.


Number of Offenses

Offenses by Building Location

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year broken out by the location the offense occurred.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offense is no longer enrolled.  Right-click a location and choose "Limit by this Value" to turn the location into a filter and show all metrics on this page for just that location.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


(METADATA) - Location where the offense provoking the disciplinary response occurred: Classroom, Playground, Hall, Bus, etc.  Note that if a location is not entered it is included as Other.


Number of Offenses

Offenses by Grade

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year broken out by the grade level of the student connected to the offense.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offense is no longer enrolled. Right-click a grade level and choose "Limit by this Value" to turn the grade level into a filter and show all metrics on this page for just that grade level. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The student's grade level.


Number of Offenses

Offenses by Day of Week

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year broken out by the day of the week the offense occurred.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offense is no longer enrolled. Right-click a day of the week and choose "Limit by this Value" to turn the day of the week into a filter and show all metrics on this page for just that day of the week.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Date Abbrev


Number of Offenses

Offenses by Time of Day

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year broken out by the time of day the offenses occurred.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offense is no longer enrolled. Right-click a time of day and choose "Limit by this Value" to turn the time of day into a filter and show all metrics on this page for just that time of day. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition



Number of Offenses

Offenses by Race

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year broken out by the race of the student connected to the offense.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offense is no longer enrolled. Right-click a race category and choose "Limit by this Value" to turn the race category into a filter and show all metrics on this page for just that race category. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White.


Number of Offenses

Offenses  by Type

This metric displays the total number of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year broken out by the type of offense.  All offenses are included, even if the student connected to the offense is no longer enrolled. Right-click an offense type and choose "Limit by this Value" to turn the offense type into a filter and show all metrics on this page for just that offense type. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Offense Group

The offense group values according to the local district grouping rules.  This requires that the detailed offense codes are mapped into district groups in the SMS or in the DISCIPLINE_OFFENSE_GROUPS domain.


Number of Offenses

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