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Detail templates


Metric detail templates are used to customize the query and content of the Detail page of a metric. The query for the detail page of a metric can be fully customized, allowing you to create a metric using a sub-query. This is frequently done to increase performance by limiting data to an aggregated subset, without worrying about having to include the tables in the "From" SQL fragment of the outermost query that are needed by the default detail page.

You can create customized metric detail templates that use different base metrics or columns than those used on the original (source) metric for which the detail page is being rendered.

To access metric detail templates, choose Content Definitions in the Navigation tree, then select Details.

There are two types of metric detail templates:

  • The Default Detail template, for which there can be only one, exists under the Metric Detail Template Root folder.
  • The Custom Detail template is created by a dashboard developer and organized under Metric Detail Template folders.

Metric detail properties




Apply View Permission

Determines whether the View security permission is applied when this column is displayed and used. When enabled, object security is applied when this column is rendered and used in a metric detail. When disabled (default), the object security is not applied.

Use Source Metric Security

Specifies whether the security used by drills and actions on the detail template will come from the source metric (enabled) or from the drill/actions defined under this template.

Display settings



Style Template

Specifies the Style Template to use for this Detail Template.

Fixed Columns

The number of columns on the left of the table that are fixed when the table scrolls horizontally. By default, no columns are fixed.

Row Height

The height (in pixels) that is allocated for each row in the table. The default is 40.

Toolbar Layout

Defines how the toolbar of the dashboard element (e.g., metric) is displayed. The options are:

  • Buttons: Renders the actions as individual buttons.
  • Dropdown Menu: Renders all actions in a drop-down menu, which is activated by clicking the Card Tool (three dots) on the metric.
  • Hidden: Hides the toolbar. The title, if enabled, will be rendered at the top of the metric.

No Rows Message

The message to display when a query returns no rows. Leave this setting blank to use the Metric Service setting. Set to * to render the empty content regardless.

Query settings



Query Timeout

Maximum duration (in seconds) to allow the query to run before timing out. Overrides the Source Metric and Metric Service settings if set to anything other than 0. Use -1 no timeout limit.

Query Maximum Rows

The maximum number of rows to retrieve from the detail query. Overrides the Source Metric and Metric Service settings if set to anything other than 0. Use -1 to specify no row limit.

Where Clause Usage

Decides how the Where clause for the query of this detail is built.

  • None
  • BaseMetric uses the Where clause of the metric that drilled to the detail.
  • Metric uses the Where clause on the metric detail.
  • Both applies the Where clause from both the source metric and its metric base.

Allow Source Data

Specifies whether any data (columns or Where clause) is used to generate the detail. Metric detail columns on the source metric and on the detail are ignored if this setting is disabled.

Source metric columns usage



Request Dimensions

Specifies whether request dimensions from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Detail Dimensions

Specifies whether detail dimensions from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Filter Dimensions

Specifies whether filter dimensions from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Sort Dimensions

Specifies whether sort dimensions from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Support Dimensions

Specifies whether support dimensions from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Request Measures

Specifies whether request measures from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Sort Measures

Specifies whether sort measures from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Support Measures

Specifies whether support measures from the source metric will be included in the detail.

Query base

To edit the query behind a metric detail template, select the detail template and click the Edit (pencil) button to open the property editor and select the Query Designer tab.

In the Query Designer, for metric detail templates only, there is a default option in the Query Base drop-down to "(Use Source Metric Base)"—this is to be selected when the template should use the same metric base that is used on the source metric.

Metric detail action button

The Metric Detail Template action button allows you to set up a link to open another dashboard, report, or custom URL when the user clicks on the associated icon in the "Actions" column of the detail page where the Detail template is used. You can create more than one Action button under a Metric Detail Template; they will be arranged horizontally in the same column.

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