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Query Designer

The Query Designer is used to update metrics and detail templates.

Users with the correct permission settings can access the Query Designer in several ways:

  • In the Portal, click the Card Tools button on the metric and choose Metric ToolsEdit Properties, then click the Query Designer tab.
  • On the Developer Tools dashboard page, click the Edit Metric Properties button on a metric, then click the Query Designer tab.
  • On the Developer Tools metric page, click the Edit Metric Properties button on the metric or in the Developer toolbar, then click the Query Designer tab.
  • On the Developer Tools navigation tree, click the Open Query Designer button on the second row of the toolbar.


The Query Designer contains several panels:

  • Column List
  • Query Settings
  • Column settings
  • Chart Data
  • Preview

Using these panels, you can arrange and preview the metric's chart data, update the metric query, and manage base column settings.

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