Ethnicity Analysis
Offenses by Ethnicity - YTD
This metric provides the percent of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
Offenses by Ethnicity - YTD, Female
This metric only looks at students who are identified as female in the SIS. It provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
Offenses by Ethnicity - YTD, Male
This metric only looks at students who are identified as male in the SIS. It provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
ISS by Ethnicity - YTD
This metric provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year that result in ISS, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses resulting in ISS. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
ISS by Ethnicity - YTD, Female
This metric only looks at students who are identified as female in the SIS. It provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year that result in ISS, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses resulting in ISS. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
ISS by Ethnicity - YTD, Male
This metric only looks at students who are identified as male in the SIS. It provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year that result in ISS, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses resulting in ISS. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
OSS by Ethnicity - YTD
This metric provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year that result in OSS, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses resulting in OSS. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
OSS by Ethnicity - YTD, Female
This metric only looks at students who are identified as female in the SIS. It provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year that result in OSS, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses resulting in OSS. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |
OSS by Ethnicity - YTD, Male
This metric only looks at students who are identified as male in the SIS. It provides the percentage of discipline offenses entered into the SIS this school year that result in OSS, broken out by ethnicity, compared to the percentage of students enrolled by ethnicity. This allows quick identification of disparity between the percentage of enrollment and the percentage of discipline offenses resulting in OSS. Hover over the metric to display a tooltip containing the disparity number that shows any positive or negative differences between the percentages for each ethnicity group.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Measure | % Incident |
Measure | Student % |