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Manage column settings


The Column Settings panel is used to edit base column settings. Select a column in the Chart Data panel and click the Edit (pencil) button to open the base column settings.

To edit the base column properties for the selected metric column, click the Edit (pencil) button next to the column name in the Column Settings panel.

Base Column Properties

Base column settings

List of values settings



List of Values

This setting specifies the list of values that will be displayed for this dimension when rendered. Entering a value here will override the List of Values specified on this base column's definition.

Dynamic Query Allowed

When enabled, specifies that the List of Values for this column can resolve to a SQL query that will be evaluated when the metric is refreshed. The statement, after variables and evaluation blocks are processed, must start with 'select' (prefixing white space is ignored), to get processed as a query. Otherwise, it is considered a static entry.

Allow Use in Non-scalar Charts

When enabled, this allows the static or dynamic List of Values to be used in a non-scalar chart type (for example, Pyramid, Pie, Linear, and Angular metrics). Note that when this option is enabled on a non-scalar chart and if the same dimension value is listed more than once in the data table, only the last record for this value is used. This means that this option should only be used when there is a single request dimension defined on the chart.

Render settings



Apply View Permission

Determines whether the View security permission will be applied when this column is displayed and used. By default, this uses the value on the base column. When enabled, object security will be applied when this column is rendered and used in a metric or detail. When disabled, object security will not be applied.

Render Usages

Determines what types of rendering associated with this metric will use this column:

  • Chart: The metric rendered on the dashboard page and preview.
  • Table: The table view of this metric.
  • Comments: The metric comments (definitions) view.
  • Detail: The metric detail table.
  • Detail Comments: The metric detail comment (definitions) view.
    If the Query Usage setting prevents this column from being in the query, it will not be rendered.


Specifies the width of this column when rendered in a table or grid. Leave blank or set to 0 for automatic sizing. This value is in pixels, and leaving empty is encouraged when working with multiple different form factors for rendering (i.e., laptop, tablet, phone).

Render Sort Direction

Determines the sort direction to apply to the displayed values for this column when the metric is rendered:

  • Default or None: Maintains the sorting applied by the Query Sort.
  • Ascending or Descending: Performs a post query sort on the column values just before it is rendered.
Column GroupThis setting appears when a Dynamic Crosstab style template is used. This determines where the dimension column will appear: Primary for a row header & Secondary for a column header.

Display Drill Link

When enabled and a drill link is added to this metric, users will be able to drill on this column's values. This only affects grid-like metrics (e.g., HTML Table or Dynamic Crosstab) and will carry over when drilling to one of them.

Detail Only

When enabled, this column will only be used on detail metrics that you drill to from this metric.

Use in Context Drill

When enabled, this column's values will be included in the context-sensitive drills. I.e., this column's values will carry through to the drill target and potentially filter the contents data.

Enable Drill Across

When enabled, users will be able to change this column's value after drilling via a drop-down, if it comes through as a context drill value.

Enable Drill Across [All]

If a drill across drop-down is generated, an [All] value will be included.

Allow Export

When enabled, this column's data will be included in the export.

Suppression Statement

This setting, when defined, will evaluate the specified predefined statement for each value of this column for this metric's data set. When the Boolean expression evaluates to True, the specified Suppressed value will be displayed, in place of the original value.

Scoped, page, and field context variables are supported. The variable's {value} and {rawvalue} can be used to obtain the formatted or non-formatted value for the current cell, respectively.

The fields @@SUPPRESSED and @@SUPPRESSEDCNT can be used to obtain the current suppression indicator and count for this row, respectively, dependent on the position of this column.

Suppressed Value

Specifies the value to render when a data value of this column has been suppressed, based on the Suppression Statement's evaluation.

Null Value

Specifies the value to render when a data value of this column is null. For measure values on charts, this is only applied if it is numeric. Context drills on null dimension values will get treated as a special value, which will properly filter metric queries on null and report or custom URLs to the default value, or empty.

Formatting settings



Column Label

Specifies the name the column should use in this metric. Allows overriding of the column name from the base column.

Value Label

Allows the value of a column to be replaced by the value from another column or hard-coded value. For example, a cross tab requires the values to be measures, but users would like the proficiency to be shown, so the measure column will have a value label set of the proficiency.

Format Type

Specifies the format type that is applied to the value of this column using the specified format mask. Number uses decimal format rules, whereas DateTime uses date format rules. Allows overriding of the format type from the base column.

Format Mask

Specifies the format mask to be applied to values of this column. If no mask is specified, then formatting will not occur. Allows overriding of the format mask from the base column.

Horizontal Align

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the value in a data cell. Values: Default, None, Left, Middle, Right

Vertical Align

Specifies the vertical alignment of the value in a data cell. Values: Default, None, Top, Center, Bottom

Style settings



Condition Set

The Condition Set to be used to color values on the chart. This setting overrides the Condition Set defined on the base column if set to anything other than [Default].

Header Style

Specifies additional CSS style attributes to apply to the column header cell (e.g., color, font type, etc.) Note: This setting only applies when rendered as an HTML table or Dynamic Crosstab.

Header Text Style

Specifies additional CSS style attributes to apply to the text of a column header cell (e.g., color, font type, etc. of the text inside the header cell) Note: This setting only applies when rendered as an HTML table or Dynamic Crosstab.

Column Style

Specifies additional CSS style attributes to apply to the column cells (e.g., color, font type, etc.) Note: This setting only applies when rendered as an HTML table or Dynamic Crosstab.

Alt. Column Style

Specifies additional CSS style attributes to apply to the alternating column cells (e.g., background-color, font type, etc.) This setting will be applied after the Column Style setting on alternating cells only. Note: This setting only applies when rendered as an HTML table or Dynamic Crosstab.

Column Text Style

Specifies additional CSS style attributes to apply to the text of column cells (e.g., color, font type, etc. of the text inside the cell) Note: This setting only applies when rendered as an HTML table or Dynamic Crosstab.

Query settings



Query Sort Direction

Determines the sort direction to apply to the column when the query is generated:

  • Default: Uses the current sort order of the base column (ascending by default, if not specified).
  • Ascending or Descending: Overrides the current sort direction of the base column with this, if Order By is set on the base column. It replaces the last found descending or ascending with the specific sort order.
  • None: Prevents this column from being included in the Order By statement.

Custom Mapping Allowed

When enabled, specifies that this column will be mapped to the inner query when the Metric Base has a Custom Data mapping defined. When disabled, then this column will always be used in the outer query and no alias remap will occur. If used as a Select or Order column and the mapped alias is defined it will be remapped and used in the inner query.

Mapped Alias

The custom alias to use for this column in the inner query when the Metric Base specifies a custom data mapping. The inner query is processed by custom data mapping function. Leave empty to use this column in the outer query, instead.

Query Usages

Determines when this column will be added to the generated SQL query:

  • Auto: Uses the Render Usages selections on this column to determine if the column is included.
  • All: Always includes this column for any query usage.
  • Standard: Includes this column for a standard metric query.
  • Detail: Includes this column for a metric detail query.

Base column properties

Control security



Apply View Permission

Determines whether the View security permission will be applied when this column is displayed and used. When enabled object security will be applied when this column is rendered and used in a metric or detail. When disabled (default), the object security will not be applied.

Base column settings



Column Label

The label to be displayed when this column is used in a metric.

Condition Set

The Condition Set to be used to color values on the chart. This setting overrides the Condition Set defined on the base column if set to anything other than [Default].

Column Type

Displayed in the metric. (Measure, Dimension)

Is Aggregate

Specifies whether the column uses an aggregate in its select clause. No effect on the display of the column but prevents the column from appearing in the group by statement.

Select Clause

The expression used in the select clause for this column.

Where Clause

Expression added to the where clause for this column.

Order By

Expression added to the order by clause for this column; overrides the select clause expression.

Format Type

Specifies the format type that is applied to the value of this column using the specified format mask. The number uses decimal format rules, whereas DateTime uses date format rules.

Format Mask

Specifies the format mask to be applied to the values of this column. If no mask is specified, then formatting will not occur.

Custom mapping settings



Custom Mapping Allowed

When enabled, specifies that this column will be mapped to the inner query when the Metric Base has a Custom Data mapping defined. When disabled, then this column will always be used in the outer query and no alias remap will occur. If used as a Select or Order column and the mapped alias is defined it will be remapped and used in the inner query.

Mapped Alias

The custom alias to use for this column in the inner query when the Metric Base specifies a custom data mapping. The inner query is processed by custom data mapping function. Leave empty to use this column in the outer query, instead.

List of values



Dynamic Query Allowed

When enabled, specifies that the List of Values for this column can resolve to a SQL query that will be evaluated when the metric is refreshed. The statement, after variables and evaluation blocks are processed, must start with 'select' (prefixing white space is ignored) to get processed as a query. Otherwise, it is considered a static entry.

List of Values

The list of values to always appear in the resulting metric data. Each item in the list appears in the specified order even if there are no results for that value. Values are delimited by a new line. Note that this setting only applies to Chart, Crosstab, and Table style templates.

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