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Course materials and folders


Create diverse materials, such as assignments and quizzes, to engage students on all levels and fit specific class needs. Start by creating folders to organize your content. Then, add any content in any order, set student completion rules, color-code folders, and format folder descriptions. Tailor your course materials by week, section, topic, or chapter. Set availability dates to control when folders are accessible to students. Individually assign a folder or course material.

PowerSchool recommends adding no more than 5,000 materials per course.

Create a course material

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Optionally, select a folder to add material directly to a folder. Alternatively, expand a folder, and navigate to where you want to add the materials. Hover over the dividing line to display a plus icon.

  3. Select Add Materials from the main page or directly from a folder. Alternatively, expand a folder, and navigate to where you want to add the materials. Hover over the dividing line to display a plus icon.

  4. Select the material type from the list.

  5. Enter the material details and click Create.

Create a folder

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Click Add Materials and choose Add Folder.

  3. Enter the folder details and click Create.

Alternatively, if one or more folders exist, hover over the dividing line to display a plus icon. Click the line and select Add Folder or Import from Resources.

Adjust folder availability

Determine when a folder and its material are available to students. To create material beforehand but keep it hidden from students until you are ready to cover it, keep the availability unpublished. When set to Publish on start date or Published during date range, the folder and its contents will only be available to students after or during the specified dates.

To adjust these settings, navigate to the folder, click the gear icon, and choose Edit.

The date and time of availability follow the user's time zone. If a student in a course is in a time zone different than your settings, the folder will be available according to the date and time of the student's time zone. You can change your time zone in your personal Account Settings.

Reorder folders

Select the folder to move and hold it until it can be moved. Then, drag and drop the folder to reorder it. Changes are automatically saved.

Add folder materials

Create new materials directly from a folder or drag and drop a material into a folder. Alternatively, expand a folder to arrange materials in a specific order.

Manage folder materials

  • Reorder folder materials by expanding the folder, selecting the material, and dragging and dropping it to the new order.

  • Select the folder’s gear icon to access options such as edit, copy to course, delete, and more.

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