Administer organizations
Depending on your permissions, use Manage Organization to access details about your organization.
The organization you are signed into is displayed in the main menu.
Select properties to administer
Click your initials, then choose Manage Organization.
Click the tab that corresponds with the section you want to administer.
Organization properties
Only Performance Matters administrators can change the Organization Name and Organization Abbreviation.
Use this section to update the organization's name, description, abbreviation, and permissions. You also can set the default item bank and display the standards assigned to your organization.
Click your initials, then choose Manage Organization.
Optionally, select Is Public to allow other organizations to send you trust requests.
Make any necessary changes, then click Save Properties.
Site settings
These options allow you to determine what to include in the Student Detail display for teachers:
Show Atten. enables Attendance.
Show Disc. enables Discipline records.
Show EWS enables Early Warning records.
Show ED enables the Economically Disadvantaged Student attribute.
Show Grades enables the ability to display of student grades.
Show Sched enables the ability to display student schedules.
Show Comparison Results enables the ability to display class, school, and district averages.
These options allow you to determine what to include in the display for school and district users:
Show Atten. on MyDashboard enables Attendance to display on MyDashboard.
Show Disc. on MyDashboard enables Discipline records to display on MyDashboard.
Show Test Analysis on MyDashboard enables Test Analysis to display on MyDashboard.
Test settings
These options allow you to control the test administration settings available when creating or editing a test.
Show Private option for Teachers allows teachers to choose the Private option on the Edit Test page within the Administration tab.
Show Exclude Weekends/Holidays prevents students from accessing tests on weekends, holidays, and non-instructional days. This setting requires an up-to-date organization calendar to designate which days are non-instructional.
Default Limit Test Center by Building and/or Course enables the Limit Test Center option on the Edit Test page within the Administration tab. If enabled, this setting allows tests to be limited to specific schools or courses.
Portal settings
These options allow you to control what to include on the Student and Parent portals:
Show Schedule enables the ability to display the student schedule.
Show Attendance enables Attendance.
Show Discipline enables Discipline records.
Show Grades enables the ability to display the student's grades.
Show Local Results enables the Local Results tab.
Show State Results enables the State Results tab.
Show District Avg enables district averages to display for comparison.
Enable Student Feedback determines if a student or parent can review teacher feedback.
Show Additional Results provides students and parents access to data in Additional Results.
Some districts allow administrative users to manage specific discrete security settings in Site Administrator Settings or Student and Parent Portal Settings to control the information elements available to other user roles. Contact Customer Support for assistance if these settings are unavailable to your district.
Assign administrator permissions
You can assign administrator permissions for your organization to a user, role, group, or school.
Users assigned administrator permissions can impersonate students in Online Testing for any test available for online administration, even if a test's settings do not explicitly have Online Testing Impersonation enabled.
Click Permissions.
Click Add group.
Choose users and groups.
Search for the user or group using the Group Type, Organization, Description, or User's Groups (role).
Click the user or group row.
Press and hold the Ctrl or Cmd key to make multiple selections.
Click OK.
Select the permissions in the header to apply or remove the permissions for all users and groups. You can add or remove permissions from individual users or groups as needed.
Click Save.
Permission levels
The following permissions determine what you can display and the available actions:
Read provides access to display objects.
Copy allows objects to be displayed and copied.
Update allows objects to be copied and updated.
Admin provides access to manage permissions. Users who have administrative permissions have access to all site objects.
Access allows users to display reporting data.
Report provides access to all reports associated with the object.
High_stakes_admin gives access to any objects with the high stakes attribute.
File_uploader provides the ability to upload files.
Upload student pictures to Performance Matters
Prepare a ZIP file with student images.
Enclose all images in a single ZIP file with a maximum size of 1GB. Represent each student as a single JPEG or PNG image with their student file Student Identifier as the filename followed by a .jpg or .png extension.
Select your initials, then choose Manage Organization.
In Organizational Properties, under Upload Student Pictures, click Upload Now.
Use your browser to select the image ZIP file.
After the upload, click Reset to clear for subsequent uploads.
The uploaded students' images will be displayed on their MyDashboard student card, the Student Detail page, and in the Student and Parent portals.
Organization user roster
The Organization User Roster allows you to review a user profile and assign memberships.
Click the Organization User Roster tab.
Search to find the appropriate user.
Click View in the Actions column to display a user's profile.
In the Group Memberships section of the user's profile, assign the user to groups, review boards, and organizational roles by making the necessary selections in the Is Member column.
Changes are automatically saved and applied.
Organization roles
Click the Organization Roles tab.
Click on the Role Group name to review and update members of each role.
Make any necessary changes, then click Save.
Click Unlink to remove a role from your organization. This action is permanent, so you must confirm to complete the action. Refer to User Roles for more information.
Organization schools
Click Organization Schools to display the schools in the district.
To import a school, click Import Schools for District. After you import a school, the School Name displays as a link you can select when you create groups and assign permissions.
The following users are included when you import a school:All users who are tied to the school, as long as they have logged into Performance Matters
Building-based users with the school assignment
Any teachers with scheduling records at the school
Organization calendar
Manage your organization's calendar and add special events, including the first and last days of the school year, holidays, inclement weather days, non-instructional days, teacher workdays, and holidays.
The dates included in the Organization Calendar affect the Exclude Weekends and Holidays option in the test's Administration Window. These dates also affect EWS Attendance and Truancy rates.
Select Organization Calendar.
Select Include Instructional Days to review a list of all events for the entire school year, including Normal Instructional Days.
Enter Search criteria to narrow the list of events or click the column headers to sort the list.
Optionally, click Delete in an event row to remove the event from the calendar.
Add an event
Click Add Event.
Select the Event Title from the list.
Enter its Calendar Date.
Click Add to save and return to the Organization Calendar page. Optionally, click Add and Create Another if you want to save and create an additional event.
Trust relationships
Click Trust Relationships. Incoming trust requests are listed under Trust Request Organization, and trusted organizations are listed under Trusted Organization.
Sending a trust request to another organization
Click Send Trust Request.
Search for the desired organization. The list only includes organizations that have a public status.
Click Select for the desired organization.
Reviewing a trust request from another organization
Trust requests from other organizations are listed under Trust Request Organization. Choose to Accept, Ignore, or Reject the request.
Professional development platforms
You can manage which Professional Development Platforms are enabled for your district and which users have access permissions.
Click Professional Development Platforms.
Optionally, you can clear a selection in the Enabled column to set a Professional Development Platform to inactive.
Click Permissions to edit permissions or add users or groups.
LTI providers
Click Lti Providers to review a list of LTI Providers.
Click New Provider / User to create new entries.
Other partners
Click Other Partners to review and manage the list of other partners.
Optionally, you can clear a selection in the Enabled column to set a partner to inactive.
Click Permissions to change a partner's permissions. The option is only available if the permissions can be changed.
School year roll settings
Carefully read the descriptions on the page before entering dates. Include notes and comments as a reminder for your organization.
Click School Year Roll Settings.
Enter the crucial dates necessary for rolling to the new school year. You can indicate when to freeze the schedule data, attendance, grades, and discipline data. You can also indicate when to freeze test and item edits and when to take the end-of-year archive snapshot.
The Roll Date is a read-only field. The Roll Date field is updated based on the End of School Year Snapshot date field:
- After you select the End of School Year Snapshot date, the Roll Date defaults to the date following the End of School Year Snapshot date.
- If the End of School Year Snapshot date is removed, then the Roll Date is removed by default.
Enter relevant notes in Internal Coordination Notes (for example, indicate any significant changes in your logins).
Test retention
Choose Test Retention to indicate tests that include data you want to retain after the roll to the new school year.
As a best practice, select the tests for which you want to retain data after post-assessments are complete. This prevents issues with locking while updating the retention flag.
Enter Search criteria or choose an Assessment Category to narrow the number of tests listed.
Select the tests that contain data you want to retain.
PowerBuddy allotment balance
Choose PowerBuddy Allotment Balance and then click Review allotment to review your district’s remaining PowerBuddy allotment.
All PowerSchool products with PowerBuddy integrations share a usage allotment for all of the PowerBuddy features within those products. For example, in Performance Matters, PowerBuddy for Assessment uses one allotment each time you generate or regenerate item content. In Schoology, PowerBuddy for Learning uses one allotment each time you generate content for an assignment or discussion.
Districts receive usage allotments that automatically renew annually on July 1.
For example, if a district has one PowerBuddy product and an allotment bank set to 3,000,000, then the allotment distribution on July 1st would be 3,000,000.
If that district already used 1,000,000 allotments, added another PowerBuddy product, and purchased another 3,000,000 allotments, then the district allotment balance would be 5,000,000. However, their allotment distribution on July 1st would then be 6,000,000.
Designated district contacts will receive email notifications when allotments reach low thresholds and when there are no remaining allotments.
PowerBuddy features will become inactive if the usage allotment reaches zero.