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Online scoring

Use Online Scoring to edit existing student responses, enter new responses on behalf of a student, and score rubric-based items. Teachers or test coordinators can enter responses manually for students unable to take a test. This can be useful for handling student accommodations or giving oral tests.

When your administrator enables Student Feedback, you can enter or edit item-level feedback for a student assessment. Students and parents can access this feedback in the Student and Parent Portal.


  • Scorer roster settings that are defined in the Scoring assignment do not impact who can score items in Online Scoring. Anyone with access to the test can score it in Online Scoring.

  • You must have high-stakes admin permissions to review or score the content of a high-stakes test or any of its items in Online Scoring. Only an administrator can assign high-stakes admin permissions to a user or group.

    • One exception is if the test has manually-scorable items. Scorers without high-stakes permissions can score manually-scorable items, but the only interactions that will display are those that require a rubric score. The rest of the test remains hidden.

Enable online scoring for a test

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Assessment Manager.

  2. Search for and choose a Test Title.

  3. Choose the Administration tab.

  4. Select Enter/Edit Responses to allow Online Scoring to access the test.

  5. Expand this section, then select Human Scorable Items Only to limit Online Scoring to rubric-based items. This excludes machine-scored items and prevents scorers from changing machine-scored responses.

Access responses and scores for a test

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Online Scoring.

  2. Choose a test from the Test Title selector. Tests with multiple sections are listed by section.

    Only tests with Enter/Edit Responses selected in their Administration tab are available in Online Scoring. Also, a test must have students assigned to take the test or have scanned answer sheets available.

  3. To filter the student list, click Additional Filters, then click Add Student Filter. Make your filter selections, then click Apply

  4. Show Only Finished Students is selected by default and ensures that only students in the Finished status are available for scoring. Clear Show Only Finished Students to display students who are only in an Assigned status and whose answers will be entered manually.

  5. Click Score by Student or Score by Interaction to choose the respective layout:

    • From Score by Student, enter or edit responses for all interactions for the selected student.

    • From Score by Interaction, enter or edit responses for all students for the selected interaction.

  6. Select the interaction or student to score:

    • Score by Student allows you to search for a specific student by name or student ID. It also displays interactions separately for items with multiple interactions with scanned responses. You can update interaction responses as needed.

  7. Select a row to preview, enter, or edit the score.

Select Expanded view to display student responses to items that have a side-by-side format.

Edit responses and scores for rubric-based interactions

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Online Scoring.

  2. Choose a test from Test Title. Tests with multiple sections are listed by section.

  3. Navigate to the rubric-based item.

  4. If needed, enter or edit the student response directly in the item preview field.

  5. Choose a field in the Response column to display the rubric score options, then select a score. An item can have multiple criteria to be scored.

Responses and scores are updated and saved automatically. The following restrictions apply:

  • If the item requires more than one scorer, you must score the test using Scoring Assignment. However, the student response can be entered or edited using Online Scoring.

  • You cannot change the responses and scores if the Scoring Assignment is closed for this test.

Edit responses and scores for scanned tests and multiple-choice interactions

There are two additional response options for items scored in Online Scoring.

  • Select Did not Answer for items that required an answer, but the student did not respond. They will earn 0 points for that question.

  • Select No Response Expected for items that required no response from students. The items will not be counted towards the total points possible.

Scanned tests

Use the tem preview to display scanned tests. You can edit responses in the Response column.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Online Scoring.

  2. Choose a test from Test Title. Tests with multiple sections are listed by section.

  3. Make any necessary changes to the Response column. Item responses are auto-saved, and scores are automatically updated.

Tests with multiple-choice items

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Online Scoring.

  2. Choose a test from Test Title. Tests with multiple sections are listed by section.

  3. Navigate to the multiple-choice interaction item.

  4. Enter a choice in the Response column or the item preview. You can select multiple responses. Item responses are auto-saved, and scores are automatically updated.

Edit responses or scores for other interactions

There are two additional response options for items scored in Online Scoring.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Online Scoring.

  2. Choose a test from Test Title. Tests with multiple sections are listed by section.

  3. Navigate to the interaction item.

  4. Enter the response in the item preview. Item responses are auto-saved, and scores are automatically updated.

Enter and edit student feedback

If your district enables Student Feedback, you can enter and edit item-level Student Feedback. Student feedback is available in the Student and Parent Portal.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Tests, then Online Scoring.

  2. Choose a test from Test Title. Tests with multiple sections are listed by section.

  3. Select Provide Student Feedback to display the Provide Student Feedback section for each item. If the Provide Student Feedback option is not available, then Student Feedback is not enabled by your district.

  4. Enter Student Feedback.

  5. Click Save Feedback.

You can edit feedback at any time. Only the name and timestamp of the last edit are displayed in Online Scoring and the Student and Parent Portal.

  • For machine-scored items, the correct answer is displayed with the Student Feedback in the Student and Parent Portal. Distractor analysis is also available if it is included in the item.

  • Providing feedback on machine-scored items allows students to review the item and its correct response.

  • For manually-scored items, rubrics will be displayed in the Student and Parent Portal.

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