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The home page

Use the Schoology home page features to stay organized and updated on all events and activities.

Return to the home page from anywhere in Schoology by clicking the Schoology logo or your school logo from the navigation menu.

Home page features


Recent Activity

Find all comments, updates, and events for your connections, courses, and groups. Post Updates, Polls, Assignments, Events, or Blog Posts, choose where the post is accessed, and determine who can access the post.

Course Dashboard

Review all your courses as a tiled list. Drag and drop course tiles to reorder courses. Click any one of the courses to navigate to its main landing page.

Student PowerBuddy Chat Logs

Open chat logs for students you can access when PowerBuddy for Learning is active at your school.


Review student homework submissions and ungraded items across your courses.

To Do

Find events, assignments, tests/quizzes, and discussions with an associated due date from a course you are enrolled as a member of and from courses you administer.

  • Hover over each item to display the course or group associated with the item.

  • Hover over the clock or exclamation point icons to display when the material is due.

  • When there are more than three overdue items, an option to access the additional overdue work appears.

The To Do list displays:

  • More than three items if they have the same due date. 

  • Tests or quizzes only when submissions are enabled.

The Recently Completed section displays grade-able materials that you have submitted. Hover over the icons associated with each material to display if the assignment has been graded and the percentage grade.

Recently Completed displays

  • Grade columns and LTI types when graded.

The home page displays Recent Activity by default unless your district has changed it to Course Dashboard. However, you can select the default home page that is best for you.

Set the default home page

  1. Click the down arrow next to your name and select Settings.

  2. From the Other Options section, select Recent Activity or Course Dashboard from Set Home Page To.

  3. Click Save Changes to apply.

The navigation menu

From the navigation menu, you can access the four key Schoology features and utility items like messages and notifications.

Key features


Home page

Access Recent Activity and your Course Dashboard.


Find all your courses to instruct, grade assignments, and communicate with your students.

In each course, you can:

  • Use the different areas of your course, such as your Materials, Gradebook, and Attendance.

  • Access Course Admin tools including View Course As, the Recycle Bin, and Privacy Settings.

  • Find the Course Access Code to distribute to students so they can register for your course.  

  • Set the default landing page for the course to either Materials or Updates.

  • Display grade and submission activity, all your assignments, due dates, and calendar events for the course.


Access collaborative spaces to share ideas and resources, organize events, connect with other educators, and more.

In each group, you can:

  • Access different areas of your group, such as Updates, Discussions, and Group Resources.

  • Review upcoming events in a list or calendar.


Review, edit, and manage your personal instructional resources. Access Schoology resources and installed Resource Apps.

Enterprise organizations using Schoology's Assessment Management Platform can also access any Managed Assessment Teams.

Utility items



Find people, courses, and groups that you are associated with in Schoology.

App Center

Access apps you can install to integrate content and services.


Find events and due dates for your connections, school, courses, and groups by month, week, or day.

Items are color-coded depending on the affiliation to which it pertains such as Courses, Groups, School, or Personal. Select the drop-down arrow to change the color of its events.


Review, respond to, and send messages to members of your school and outside connections.


Review course events to stay informed of academic activity, approve connection requests, and RSVP to calendar events.

Your account

Access your profile and your school’s profile. Adjust your account settings, privacy, transfer history, notifications, and blog subscriptions. Log out of Schoology.

The footer

Footer items


Language selector

Set the language of your Schoology experience.


Access a list of support contacts, use the product help center, and contact a support specialist.

PowerSchool Community

Access the Community forums to get answers to questions and troubleshoot issues.

Privacy Policy

Review the Privacy Policy.

Terms of Use

Review the Terms of Use.

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